LifeStar integrates the core concept of sustainability into the corporate development, and is committed to the development of One Health topic, specialising in the use of Taiwanese silk cocoons to develop human medical equipments and pet products with patented extraction technology. LifeStar has certificated medical laboratory, with Class 10,000 GMP factory.
We aim to create an ecosystem Business Ecosystem platform through vertical and horizontal integration of industries to accelerate industrial development.
We turn waste into gold: Develop a circular and sustainable economy.

Developing local generative system: overturning the industrial dilemma

Through the silkworm cocoon production we aim to establishment of a scientific and technological agricultural system, we strictly implement the inspection quality requirements and import it into the biotechnology and medical industry. Serve the mainstream market of biotechnology and practice “ the One Health concept”. Build a local creation system, combine community, government training, and industrial ecosystem. Truly execute reasonable affordable medical system and sustainable economy.